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2020 online summer camp


Our online camp will feature fun and informative musical lectures, technique drill sessions, and weekly masterclasses with internationally acclaimed teachers.


These are especially designed for the online platform, helping our students grow and learn during this difficult time. 



To ensure the best learning experience for students, all of our piano faculty holds doctorate degrees in Piano Performance and have great expertise in the pedagogical field

为保证网课质量和水平,我们请到的专家均为钢琴教育博士,并有多年的钢琴教学和科研经验,也都培养出多个有成就,在各类比赛获奖的学生。其中有去年夏令营深受学生们喜爱的 Dr. Rachel Pereira, 有曾经给启星学生们上过大师课的 Dr. Yuta Sugano,还有为配合新增夏令营内容邀请到的印尼钢琴家 Dr. Regina Tanujaya. 本院的Dr. Rosy Ge 将亲自解决孩子们的技术难题。



Week 1: Piano 101 with special guest Dr. Yuta Sugano 

July 13-17 Get to know the King of Instruments inside and out! 了解钢琴,才能弹好钢琴

Week 2: Piano Transcriptions with special guest Dr. Regina Tanujaya

July 20-24  Discover the versatility of the Piano! 乐器之王可弹奏出的乐曲包罗万象。一起来听听吧!

Week 3: Story-Telling with the Piano with special guest Dr. Rachel Pereira

July 27-31  Listen with your imagination! 会讲故事的钢琴

LIttle Pianists with special guests Dr. Yuta Sugano & Dr. Rachel Pereira

July 27-31   Begin your musical journey! ​跟着专家们开始你奇妙又有趣的钢琴之旅吧!

2019 summer camp


Summer Camp Flyer.jpg
8:45 am - 9:00 am                              Student Drop-Off
9:00 am - 9:30 am                             Music Theory | Group Music
9:30 am - 10:30 am                           Music Theory | Practice / Chinese Class / Private Lesson
10:30 am - 10:45 am                         Snack Time
10:45 am - 11:45 am                         Music Theory | Practice / Chinese Class / Private Lesson
11:45 am - 12:15 pm                         Music Appreciation
12:15 am - 1:15 pm                           LUNCH TIME
1:15 pm - 2:30 pm                             Group Theory / Chinese Class
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm                             Snack Time
2:45 pm - 3:50 pm                             Outside Playtime / Arts & Crafts 
3:50 pm - 4:10 pm                             Student Pick-Up
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